Agrodyke is a multipurpose, the most complete and eco-friendly fertilizer that has ability to recovery the balance of the ecosystem dynamic.
When Agrodyke given to soil, it could release nutrients that bound by clay mineral in hardpan soil horizon and gley-horizon at depth 40 cm - 60 cm with chemical process through Bio-methabolism by micro-organism.
Agrodyke is a fertilizer that is capable of increasing production that gives very high added value for harvest as organic production. This is proven in the field although in application;
a) still uses inorganic fertilizer (chemical)
b) does not require any special treatment such as field should be free from chemical element that comes from outside.
- Accelerates the growth of plant and increases soil fertility.
- Activates microbes in soil
- Activates and cures the damaged cell or tissue
- Reduces the cost production by up to 50%
- Increases the durability against pest and disease.
- Reduces the consumption of conventional fertilizer by up to 60%-70%
- Increases the harvest by up to 40%
- More efficient in labor
- Eco-friendly for soil, water, air and even human.
1. Application Agrodyke To Soil
- Opens the pores of soil so that C,H, and O enter easily
- Recoveries and improves soil fertility
- Neutralizes soil acidity (pH) accordant plant needs to grow and develop
- Activates bacteria and micro-organisms in the soil
- Inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria
2. Application Agrodyke To Plant
- Opens pores of plant skin so that C, H, and O enter easily.
- Cures the damaged tissues or cell
- Restores unproductive plant become productive
- Increase the durability against pest and disease
- Agrodyke dispels not kills the pests.
The source of nutrients is concentrated at Hardpan layer or Gley-horizon layer at the depth 40 cm – 60 cm from top soil. In this layer, these nutrients are tightly bound by clay mineral so that can not be used and not available for plant. In purpose to release these nutrients from clay mineral needed chemical process, because these nutrients bound by Chemical bounding rather than Physical-Mechanical Bounding.
The application of Agrodyke into soil will open the pores of soil so that C, H, O will come in to soil easily then makes Transpiration and Respiration process will work normally. The presence of C (CO2), H (H2O), O (O2) those enter soil freely then make Chemical Process in releasing nutrients by clay mineral, through bio-metabolism mechanism by micro-organism and certain bacteria and or by certain substance of bio-metabolism, will produce new bio-metabolite which is rich by nutrients for plant (available nutrient to plant).
Agrodyke fundamentally work by “recovering” the nutrients inside soil and giving “dispelling” effect against various pest and disease in plant. Agrodyke is smart fertilizer. It can neutralize soil acidity (pH) based on plant's requirement to grow, such as:
While soil pH > 6,5 will be neutralized by Al, Fe and Mn while pH < 6.5 will be neutralized by Ca. Al, Fe and Mn also bind P element in order to not dissolve easily and Ca element binds P if pH < 6.5
Likewise K (potassium) in soil acts in controlling and maintaining Turgor pressure (water supply) in photosynthesis process and movement of mineral. Boron (Bo) element closely concerns in metabolism of Ca and K element, uplifting the nutrients from soil to entire plant, producing more branches nodule to provide more bacteria and preventing the growth of parasites. Molybdenum (Mo) contributes in fixation-N by microbes in Leguminoceae and catalyzer in reducing nitrogen