


  1. Mix evenly 6 Kg of Agrodyke + 100 Kg of Urea/NPK\
  2. Sow with dosage 250 gram per tree
  3. Sow 15-20 cm around the tree
  4. Do the sowing 2 times per year
  5. Total of Agrodyke is 12 Kg of Agrodyke and 200 Kg of Urea per Ha/year


  1. Spray to stem corresponds to the range of sprayer, start from top of stem evenly with dosage 6 Tablespoon (120 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water.
  2. Once spraying need 2 Kg of Agrodyke per Hectare
  3. Do the spraying 3 times per year
  4. Total of Agrodyke for spraying is 6 Kg/Ha per year. 


  1. When spraying to stem, try nozzle sprayer close to stem
  2. 1 handsprayer (Tank) 15 L of water could spray 25 rubber trees (16 Tank/Hectare) with constant calibration.
  3. Before spraying to stem, If the bark cracked so that should be cleaned
  4. For first spraying, please use the dosage 8 Tablespoon (160 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 L of water, after that follow the instructions above.