


  1. Soak the seed into bucket
  2. Mix the water with dosage 1 Tablespoon (20 gram) of Agrodyke for 3 L of water
  3. Soak the seed following the farmer’s habit.
  4. Reserve the seed like usual until germinate or showing the roots.


  1. Land Sterilization : 1-3 days before planting the seed to the seedbed. Spray to the seedbed with dosage 5 Tablespoon of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water.
  2. At age 10 days, spray the seed with dosage 4 Tablespoon (80 gram) + 15 Liter of water.
  3. The seed should be moved at age 15-18 days to be planted.


  1. Land sterilization is 1 week before planting.
  2. The dosage for land sterilization is 5 tablespoon (100 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water.
  3. Total of Agrodyke for land sterilization is 2 Kg per 1 hectare
  4. Land sterilization functions to make fertile damaged soil because too much consumption of chemical material


  1. The seed should be moved from seedbed at age 15-18 days to gain maximum growth.
  2. The distance of planting is 27 x 27 cm or following the farmer’s habit.
  3. Maximum 2 seed for each hole


  1. First sowing fertilizer is at 7-10 days after planting. Mix 2 Kg of Agrodyke with 100 Kg of Urea/NPK per hectare
  2. Second sowing fertilizer is at 35-40 days after planting. Mix 1 Kg of Agrodyke with 50 Kg of Urea/NPK per hectare


  1. At 15 days after planting, spray the plant with dosage 5 tablespoon (100 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water. Total of Agrodyke for spraying 1 hectare is 1 Kg.
  2. At 30 days after planting, spray the plant with dosage 5 tablespoon (100 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water. Total of Agrodyke for spraying 1 hectare is 1 Kg.
  3. At 45 days after planting, spray the plant with dosage 5 tablespoon (100 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water. Total of Agrodyke for spraying 1 hectare is 1 Kg.

Note: At 60 days after planting, spray the plant with dosage 5 tablespoon (100 gram) of Agrodyke + 15 Liter of water. Total of Agrodyke for spraying 1 hectare is 1 Kg. For avoiding rice from bird attack and increase the weight.

Any problems found in rice, solve them by spraying Agrodyke (5 Tablespoon + 15 L of water)